The process began with the Institutional Proposal, which provides the overall framework for the campus accreditation. The proposal was developed by the 2007 WASC Steering Committee, which was co-chaired by Sally Marshall, vice provost for Academic Affairs, and Joseph Castro, then associate vice chancellor for Student Academic Affairs. The 2007 Committee had representation from the four professional schools, the Graduate Division, the campus library, and four Academic Senate committees. The proposal was submitted to WASC in May 2007 and approved in July 2007.
Three themes were selected for this Proposal: (1) Learning Environment, (2) Student Learning Outcomes, and (3) Diversity.
The Learning Environment theme aligns teaching and learning space, organizational structures, and technologies with curricular changes and capacity planning and building.
The Student Learning Outcomes theme addresses the requirement that graduates be well prepared for careers in an increasingly complex health professions environment.
The Diversity theme reflects the significance of this issue to our campus community and to society. It is commonly understood that success in outreach, recruitment, and retention of women and underrepresented trainees, faculty, and staff is critical to addressing health care needs in the 21st century.
The draft proposal was reviewed and approved by a broad constituency that included students and postdoctoral scholars, staff, faculty, school and campus administrators, staff and faculty councils, and the University of California Office of the President.