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Shining a light on our learners
UCSF's students, postdocs, residents, and fellows may surprise you.

Office of Institutional Research

The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is responsible for campus-wide institutional research activities and initiatives, including the organization, collection and analysis of campus data in response to requests from internal and external organizations.

UCSF Learner Facts

The total learner population in fall 2024 is 5,953:

  • Enrolled Students: 3,017 (excluding 11 on filing fee status and 245 off-campus in joint programs)
  • Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Residents and Fellows: 1,746
  • Postdoctoral Scholars: 1,190

Of the 886 new students in the fall 2024 entering class:

  • 63% were women
  • 55% were California residents
  • 29% were first generation in their family to have attended college
  • 51% were first generation in their family to attend graduate school
  • 18% were born outside the U.S. They came from 47 different countries and regions.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, UCSF awarded a total of 999 degrees, including 101 certificates, 282 master's, 140 PhDs, and 476 professional degrees.

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